Medical Malpractice & Professional Liability

Practice Overview

Physicians, dentists, attorneys, accountants, insurance agents/brokers, officers/directors, real estate agents, financial advisers, healthcare providers and many other professionals and institutions turn to Drummond Woodsum to protect their rights and defend against claims of malpractice. With experience in all aspects of professional liability defense, attorneys in our group are well qualified to handle sensitive issues of confidentiality, the impact of the case on the professional’s ongoing practice, and the need to work closely with the client in developing a litigation strategy or negotiating a settlement. We represent and defend professionals, healthcare institutions, and other professional entities before licensing boards, judges,  and juries throughout the states of Maine and New Hampshire.

Drummond Woodsum is approved by the following insurance companies and entities to represent their insureds in professional liability matters:  Allied World, Aspen Insurance, Berkshire Hathaway, Chubb, CNA, Hudson Insurance Group, Markel,  Philadelphia Insurance Company, Protect Professionals Claims Management, RSUI, United States Liability Insurance Group, ProAssurance, MedPro Group, Gallagher Bassett, and Medical Mutual Insurance Company.

Services include defending lawsuits alleging all aspects of malpractice, representing professionals before licensing boards, , providing advice and representation in employment disputes and litigation, assisting and advising professional associations on business issues, providing counsel on patient complaint issues, HIPPA compliance, employment and severance agreements, drafting and negotiating contracts and general advice on legal issues commonly encountered by the professional in their day to day practice.

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