Special Education Attorney Jerry Zelin Pens Op-Ed on New Hampshire’s Controversial School Voucher Bills

Two bills in New Hampshire, House Bill 115 and Senate Bill 295, seek to amend the state’s school voucher law, RSA 194-F, by eliminating income limits and making vouchers universally accessible. These vouchers, funded by taxpayer dollars, help defray costs for families choosing private, religious, or home-based education, as well as public schools outside their district. However, in Jerry Zelin’s recent Op-Ed titled The Hidden Hypocrisies of New Hampshire’s School Voucher Laws, he argues that the program enables misuse, including funding for religious education and inflated special education claims. Additionally, concerns are raised about potential violations of the state constitution, as taxpayers are compelled to support religious schooling.  Lastly, he notes that legislators supporting school vouchers claim competition will improve public schools, but then vote for laws imposing new and unique burdens on school districts instead of encouraging fair competition.

Jerry Zelin has nearly 50 years of experience representing New Hampshire school districts in various student-related legal matters, including special education, civil rights, and student discipline. A nationally recognized expert in education law, Jerry has played a key role in shaping New Hampshire’s education statutes and State Board of Education rules and has earned numerous awards for his legal expertise and contributions to the field.

View the full Op-Ed piece here.