
June 04, 2021

2021 Maine School Law Institute (Virtual!)

Once again, we are taking our School Law Institute virtual for 2021 using Zoom, a cloud-based video-conferencing service. The Institute program has been designed with busy educators in mind. Taught by Drummond Woodsum school attorneys who have years of experience both practicing and teaching school law, the Institute distills from the vast body of education statutes and court decisions the knowledge that educators most need to perform their jobs effectively and to recognize and prevent legal problems before they arise.

May 20, 2021

2021 Maine Special Education School Law Institute (Virtual!)

We are taking our Institute virtual again for 2021 using Zoom, a cloud based video conferencing service. This program has been designed with busy educators in mind.

May 07, 2021

School Boards: Leadership in Difficult Times

This conference will review basic legal principles that apply to school board action. Dan, Elek and Michael will then focus closely on school board leadership during difficult times, particularly as they relate to very public employment disputes, Facebook controversies that impact the board, and public concerns that overtake regular business.

April 20, 2021

2021 Maine School Finance Summer Institute (Virtual!)

For 2021, we are taking our School Finance Summer Institute virtual using Zoom, a cloud-based video-conferencing service. The Institute program has been designed with busy educators in mind.

March 29, 2021

Meghan S. Glynn

March 29, 2021

Milliana R. Zonarich

March 29, 2021

Erin Feltes