Drummond Woodsum Ranked in the Top 5 Best Places to Work in Maine for 2018

Drummond Woodsum, a full service premier New England law firm, is pleased to announce that it was recently named among the 2018 Best Places to Work in Maine.  Of the 37 companies with between 51 and 250 employees that received the honor, Drummond Woodsum was ranked the 4th best.  This is the second consecutive year that Drummond Woodsum has been named among the Best Places to Work in Maine and is the firm’s highest ranking to date.

“We are thrilled to be ranked among the top 5 companies this year,” said Benjamin Marcus, Managing Director.  “We are so fortunate to have such an exceptional team of professionals who are dedicated, not only their clients, but to each other and to the wider community.  Our employees are among the most generous in Maine, both in providing pro bono legal services and in financial support to those in need.  I am immensely grateful for all our employees who truly make our firm one of the best places to work.”

This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize, and honor the best places of employment in Maine, benefiting the state’s economy, its workforce, and businesses. The 2018 Best Places to Work in Maine list is made up of 75 companies in three size categories: small (15-49 U.S. employees), medium (50-249 U.S. employees) and large (250+ U.S. employees). Companies from across the state entered the two-part process to determine the Best Places to Work in Maine. The first part consists of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation. The second part consists of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings. Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process in Maine and also analyzed the data and used their expertise to determine the final rankings.

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