Are You Negotiating Ed Policy?

Volume 30, No. 2

Hopefully, you’re not reading this title and wondering, “Who’s Ed, anyway?” When we’re talking about “ed policy” in the bargaining world we are, of course, talking about issues of educational policy (“ed policy”). Ideally, there are no proposals being made in your negotiations that involve matters of ed policy. I, however, have been forced out of being an idealist. Instead, I have learned what is, and what is not, ed policy. Lately, the camouflage on some proposals from the other side of
the table make it quite difficult to spot. This article is not the place to list all of the decisions from the Maine Labor Relations Board and the Maine Law Court identifying certain matters involving ed policy. I will, however, remind you to find a list of those decisions and keep it with you whenever you are negotiating. I will also provide you with a working definition of ed policy that you can easily remember, and highlight the law regarding the negotiability of ed policy….To continue reading, visit

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