2022 Bradley F. Kidder Law Conference

Join Drummond Woodsum attorneys at this year’s Bradley F. Kidder Law Conference sponsored by the New Hampshire School Administrators Association (NHSAA), the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA), and the New Hampshire Council of School Attorneys (NHCOSA).

October 12, 2022
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Grappone Center, Concord, NH

Learn more at https://nhsba.org/

Find Drummond Woodsum at the following sessions:  

Developments in New Hampshire Education Law: State Statutes
A comprehensive review of the new state laws impacting school districts.
Presented by Jim O’Shaugnessy and Milliana Zonarich 

Title IX and Title VII — How Do They Intersect & How Do They Differ?
Title IX and Title VII both prohibit public schools from discriminating based on sex. In this presentation, Meghan and Anna will explain what and who Title IX covers vs. what
and who Title VII covers, and we will provide practical tips for investigating both types
of claims in your school district.
Presented by Meghan Glynn and Anna Cole

Limits on the State and Federal Governments’ Authority to Regulate
School Districts – A Case Study
The U.S. Constitution confers only limited powers on the federal government. Part 1,
Article 28-a of the N.H. Constitution in turn restricts the State’s authority to impose
new unfunded mandates on school districts. This session will review how those
constraints operate when the federal government regulates states by attaching
strings to federal funds and the state downshifts to school districts the costs of
compliance. The session will then apply those constitutional principles by considering
whether recent amendments to New Hampshire’s special education statute, raising
the upper age limit to a student’s 22nd birthday without full state funding for the new
costs, are a legally permissible means to achieve a laudable end.
Presented by Jerry Zelin

Collective Bargaining Update
Matt will provide an update on current collective bargaining trends, discuss strategies for being
competitive in hiring in an inflationary labor market, and discuss latest developments
and decisions impacting collective bargaining.
Presented by Matt Upton

The Basics of Borrowing
This presentation gives an overview of issuing a bond, i.e. borrowing money,
including tax exempt borrowing, federal tax law compliance, the role of bond
counsel, and post issuance federal tax law compliance.
Presented by Steven Whitley and Greg Im