Leaving High School: Long Last Looks Must End… New Hampshire

This is not to be missed! Our Drummond Woodsum Special Education Team takes a close look at the difficult legal issues that schools face for older students with disabilities as they approach the end of their high school years. The presenters will take a deep dive into the legal issues surrounding the development of transition programming and the delivery of transition services for students, and in particular how that duty may impact due process hearings. With this, we will also review the intersection of the IDEA and state or local graduation requirements. This review will include a careful look at whether New Hampshire’s current eligibility age limit may be increasing to age 22 as a result of a First Circuit court ruling. And if that isn’t enough, we will explore compensatory education orders for students who have already departed high school. This conference will use the ZOOM platform, but with our own fast-paced, exciting style. Really!!!


  • Transition planning and programming
  • Preparing for student graduation – meetings, consent, credits, diplomas, participation in graduation ceremonies, and more
  • Compensatory education orders for graduates
  • Transfer of student rights – guardianship, power of attorney, and supported decision making
  • Will the age of eligibility expand from 21 to 22?
  • Drafting summaries of performance
  • Due Process Implications of serving older students

Who Should Attend? Special education directors, high school principals, special education case managers, and school guidance counselors all should participate in this workshop.